chapter 9 | at the conclusion
At your concluding meeting with your group, you will both look back and look forward.
You have traveled through all eight chapters of Disciple Path. You began this journey because you didn’t want to be the last link in the disciple-making chain—you wanted to be a disciple maker.
In the introduction to Disciple Path, we defined a disciple as a Christian who can recognize and replicate the way of Jesus. That means you are growing in your ability to see and hear Jesus in the world, and you are turning into a person who thinks, talks, and acts like he does. It also means that you are actively trying to help other people know and follow the way of Jesus too.
Our desire in offering Disciple Path was to help you not only grow closer to God yourself, but equally important, to be equipped and inspired to take meaningful steps to reach others with the gospel—to help them know Jesus as you do. As you bring this leg of your Disciple Path journey to a close, we think it is important to both look back to recall how God has worked within you in this process, and look ahead, intentionally focusing forward to the next steps he is leading you to take.
But first, let’s take one final look at the way of Jesus. He is our perfect model for disciple making. Jesus showed us how important disciple making was not only by the way he lived his life, but also because he expressly told us, in his last recorded words of Scripture, in Matthew 28.
“All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Jesus commands disciple making with all his authority and supports it by his constant presence.
It’s that important to him. And followers of Jesus listen, because they love Jesus. In John 14: 23-27, Jesus tells his disciples what it means to love him. He says:
“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
It’s our love for Jesus that compels us to disciple others as he commanded. It’s the Holy Spirit who powerfully and effectively guides us. And it’s Jesus’ promises of his peace and his presence that embolden us.
We titled this final chapter “Watchfulness” because we wanted to encourage you to be watching for these things—for the work of the Holy Spirit helping you to remember your training from him. Watch for the promises of Jesus to be fulfilled within you as you step out in obedience. Be alert to what he is doing in and around you! He has entrusted the Good News to you. Don’t be troubled by this, or fearful of the implications. Rather, remember that he is constantly at work to bring others to a deeper relationship with him, and he does it through you as you are obedient and surrendered to him. Your obedience shows him you love him. In all of this, his life is being reproduced in you, as you replicate the way of Jesus by discipling others.
One way for us to be watchful and alert to what God is doing is to look back on how he has formed and shaped us. So, take a few minutes to review your Disciple Path notebook and remember what you read and discussed with your group. Think back on your intentional efforts to reach out and reflect on how those experiences changed you. Be ready to share what impacted you, and how you’ve grown. You’ll do this at your final meeting with your Disciple Path group.
And then, let’s also look forward.
An important next step in this journey is to disciple someone else. Disciples replicate—so how will you do that?
The goal is multiplication. If each person in your Disciple Path group disciples one or two others, you are effectively reproducing. So, who do you know that needs some encouraging and equipping as a disciple maker? We believe there are many Christians who have never seen themselves as disciple-makers. These believers would benefit from small group accountability and outward-focused discussions. Are you willing to walk the Disciple Path again with another person or two who has potential as a disciple maker? Who will you ask?
Or perhaps God has placed someone into your life who has not yet formed a relationship with Jesus, but who might be open to learning more about him. How will you intentionally walk with that person? What does disciple-making look like for you with that person?
Please don’t just skim past these questions but give them some thoughtful reflection.
You have been entrusted by God with the most beautiful and life-transforming gift to share with others, and there are so many people who need this Good News!
And the bonus of it all? The truths of the gospel become even richer within you as you see them come alive within someone else. Disciple-making is one of the most fulfilling things you will ever do.
We want to leave you with one final Scripture passage, from Luke 12: 34-44 (TLB) as you wrap up this leg of your Disciple Path journey. Jesus said:
“Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be. Be prepared—all dressed and ready— for your Lord’s return from the wedding feast. Then you will be ready to open the door and let him in the moment he arrives and knocks. There will be great joy for those who are ready and waiting for his return. He himself will seat them and put on a waiter’s uniform and serve them as they sit and eat! He may come at nine o’clock at night—or even at midnight. But whenever he comes, there will be joy for his servants who are ready! Everyone would be ready for him if they knew the exact hour of his return—just as they would be ready for a thief if they knew when he was coming. So be ready all the time. For I, the Messiah, will come when least expected.
Peter asked, ‘Lord, are you talking just to us or to everyone?’
And the Lord replied, ‘I’m talking to any faithful, sensible man whose master gives him the responsibility of feeding the other servants. If his master returns and finds that he has done a good job, there will be a reward—his master will put him in charge of all he owns.’”
What Jesus says is true—blessed is the one whom the master finds working when he returns.
We pray this blessing for you.
That Jesus would find you obediently making disciples. May you be blessed with growing desire to live on mission, and with increasing confidence that God goes before you and with you. May you be blessed with opportunities all around you. May you be strengthened with deepening trust in the Spirit’s enabling. May you be warmed by the certainty of Jesus’ presence and protected by his peace. May you remember that simple obedience is true success in God’s eyes. May you make disciples everywhere you go.
What to do when you meet
with your group:
For your final meeting with your DP group, share how you have grown through your time with the group.
What have you learned?
How have you changed?
Discuss your next steps as disciple makers.
What will your next step be?
Who might you be able to journey alongside next?
Conclude your group by praying for each other, and perhaps by sharing a meal, a dessert, or a beer. Celebrate together!